Eating for A Great Night’s Sleep

Although studies have shown that eating late at night can have a negative impact on the quality of sleep, there are some foods which are great for helping the body rest and the mind go to sleep, such as: 

  • Honey 
    Although having sugar before bed might seem bonkers, a small amount of honey has been proven for helping to switch brain activity off. Glucose in the honey sends a signal to the brain to shut down production of orexin, the chemical responsible for alertness.

  • Eggs
    High in protein, which means your body won’t be going on a carbohydrate rollercoaster during the night, eggs are also a source of tryptophan, an amino acid that our bodies need to induce sleep. The body cannot produce tryptophan, so it is important to get it from a variety of food sources.
  • Chickpeas
    Chickpeas contain plenty of vitamin B6, which is regularly used to treat insomnia as it helps with the production of serotonin. Also a great source of folate which helps to regulate sleep patterns.

  • Fish
    Almost all types of fish are another great source of vitamin B6 and tryptophan. Eating fish will help to raise serotonin levels which are required to make melatonin, the chemical controlling the sleep-wake cycles.
  • Dark leafy greens
    Almost all dark leafy vegetables (spinach, chard, kale, cabbage) contain high amounts of potassium, magnesium and calcium, all required for a restful night’s sleep. Calcium assists with the production of melatonin while magnesium and potassium relax muscles.

  • Cherries
    Tart cherries are one of the few food sources of melatonin. Drinking cherry juice in the morning and evening will help to regulate sleeping patterns and improve the sleep-wake cycle. 

  • Bananas
    An all-round superfood, bananas contain large amounts of tryptophan, potassium and magnesium which help to relax the muscles and improve the quality of sleep.

  • Nuts
    Rich in magnesium and calcium, a combination which improves serotonin levels, maintains stable blood sugar levels and promotes a great night’s sleep.

  • Whole grains
    A source of magnesium, whole grains also contain vital B vitamins which help the body to absorb tryptophan from the diet.

  • Oats
    Although many people have porridge in the morning, oats are rich in melatonin so try having a bowl in the evening instead. Oats also raise blood sugar levels naturally which makes the body feel sleepy.

  • Dark chocolate
    A great source of serotonin, dark chocolate sends out relaxing signals to the brain and boosts melatonin production.

  • Chamomile tea
    Naturally caffeine-free, chamomile tea has been used for centuries as a herbal way of relaxing before bedtime.

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