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Studies have shown that sleep is a key factor in maintaining memory retention and logical decision-making, which means that in amongst all the socialising, learning, and drinking it is essential to make quality slumber an absolute priority.
However, as many existing students will know all too well, this can be very difficult to achieve at uni. Noisy flatmates, student beds, and all-night study sessions can all lead to a completely disrupted sleep cycle which can be tricky to get back under control. So, how do you deal with commonly encountered issues which can prevent you from getting the shut eye you need for that exam?
Noisy flatmates
Slamming doors, late night drinking sessions in the kitchen, parties, and loud music are not really conducive to a good night’s sleep. Unfortunately, this is par for the course for most student lets and unless you have super reasonable flatmates who are willing to limit or adapt their behaviours, it can be better to manage the problem yourself by:
- Investing in headphones to listen to soothing music or meditation tracks.
- Using white noise from a fan to block outside noises.
- Picking up some silicon or wax ear plugs.
Student beds
Staying in halls or a student let means that the chances are, your student mattress has already been well-used. The excitement of being away from home and having new experiences can mean that cleanliness takes a back seat, so the mattress you have inherited may be harbouring allergens, irritants, and even bed bugs. These issues will lead to an uncomfortable night’s rest so take steps to avoid it by:
- Investing in a mattress encasement to put a protective barrier around the mattress, preventing bugs, mites, and allergens from getting out. This student kit is ideal for those on a budget.
- Use pillow protectors to ensure that your pillows remain as clean as the day you bought them.
- Get into the habit of regularly cleaning your sheets and room, including hoovering your mattress and underneath the bed.
- Running a dehumidifier occasionally will reduce mould and mildew problems and improve the air quality.
Pulling all-nighters
It must be the law for students to pull at least one all-nighter during their studies. While panic cramming may be the only solution for some, studies show that it does more harm than good when it comes to getting good results. Sleep deprivation and procrastination lead to a poor overall performance, which is not great for those looking to ace their studies. Avoid leaving everything until the last minute by:
- Creating an academic year wall planner so that you can keep track of the amount of time you have left to study.
- Using productivity apps to block social media to free up your study time and prevent you from getting distracted.
- Join a study group so that you can keep each other focused and motivated as exam time approaches.
If you would like to find out more about how mattress protectors can help you to protect the mattresses in your home, get in touch with our experienced, knowledgeable staff by calling 020 8731 0020 or email us via the Contact Us page.
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